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Investigation on oxidation characteristics at low temperature for primary reference fuels by accelerating rate calorimeter
LÜ Xing-cai 1 #,HUANG Zhen 2
1. Shanghai Jiaotong University
2.Shanghai Jiaotong University
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: 国家自然科学基金(No.2001CB209208)
Opened online: 2 February 2004
Accepted by: none
Citation: LÜ Xing-cai,HUANG Zhen.Investigation on oxidation characteristics at low temperature for primary reference fuels by accelerating rate calorimeter[OL]. [ 2 February 2004] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/196
omogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion exhibits phenomena including self-ignition, two-stage combustion (cool flame and hot flame), and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior. At the same time, the heat release and pressure rise rate at the first-stage play an important role on the total ignition delay and burn rate for overall combustion. N-heptane and iso-octane are primary reference fuels (PRF) for octane rating in internal combustion engines. The oxidation mechanism of fuels has a dominant effect on ignition delay, burn rate, and engine knock-resistant. Based on this background, this paper investigates the oxidation characteristics at low temperature range from 450K to 650K for n-heptane and iso-octane at the pressure of 15bar, and equivalence ratio of 0.52 using accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC). The experimental results show that the initial exothermic reaction can be detected at 180 0C for pure primary reference fuels; the pressure increases
Keywords:Primary preference fuel (PRF); Accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC);n-Heptane; iso-Octane Thermal inertia factor; Chemical kinetics

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