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Isolation and expression analyses for a novel MAPK-like gene involved in developing caryopses in rice plant
Xing Chen,Zhou Ye,Tiegang Zhang ,Xingsheng Wang,Xiaojin Zhou,Wei Cheng,Yingdian Wang * #
College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金,国家自然科学基金(No.20040027015,30400035)
Opened online:24 April 2008
Accepted by: none
Citation: Xing Chen,Zhou Ye,Tiegang Zhang .Isolation and expression analyses for a novel MAPK-like gene involved in developing caryopses in rice plant[OL]. [24 April 2008] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/20826
The proliferation rate of endosperm cell in the primary and secondary spikelet of rice was measured, during 0-6 day after heading, proliferation of endosperm cells in the primary spikelet was obviously faster than that in the secondary spikelet. Using differential display to visualize and isolate cDNA fragments related to endosperm development in the early stage, 4 cDNA fragments were chosen and proved through reverse Northern. They represented cellulose synthase-like protein OsCslE2 gene, enoyl CoA hydratase-like protein gene, a new protein kinase gene and a new unknown gene respectively. The full-length cDNA of the new protein kinase gene was obtained through reverse transcription PCR, which is 1591bp and encodes a 394 amino acid polypeptide (designated OsMAPK-like). This polypeptide has typical protein kinase domain, and is significantly homologous with MAPK, Analysis of OsMAPK-like expression had shown that in the primary spikelets OsMAPK-like mRNA began accumulated at 3rd day after heading, while at 6th-9th day after heading in the secondary spikelets. OsMAPK-like was also expressed in roots, shoots and leaves, and high relative amount was detected in the young leaves than in the mature leaves. The differential expression of OsMAPK-like suggests that it is related with cell proliferation of spikelets and leaves.
Keywords:differential display, rice;endosperm development;expression of gene;protein kinase

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