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A New Method for Contour Correspondence Based on the Internal Information in Intensity-Based Ultrasound Image Registration
Jing Fang,Yang Xiao * #,Shao-hai Hu
Beijing Jiaotong University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:28 June 2005
Accepted by: none
Citation: Jing Fang,Yang Xiao,Shao-hai Hu.A New Method for Contour Correspondence Based on the Internal Information in Intensity-Based Ultrasound Image Registration[OL]. [28 June 2005] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/2305
Comparing with the CT imaging, there are a lot of speckles in the ultrasound images. When we use the probe to detect the organism, we get a set of slices which are consecutive in the centroid. In the new method proposed in this paper, every contour in a slice is designated a value that represents its size and density, then the overall “Centroid” of the slice is found. For each contour, its corresponding contour on the adjacent slice is determined based on their designated value and their polar coordinate to the slice centroid. For the aim of slice registration, adjacent slices are first aligned roughly according to their centroid, furthermore, the optimal registration position nearby which minimize the efficacy function which reflects the registration suitability at a given position.
Keywords:ultrasound image, registration, contour, centroid, center of gravity

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