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A red-tide causing algae- Alexandrium tamarense lysed by bacteria in phycosphere
Wang Xin 1,Li Zhi Jiang 1,Ning Xiu Rental 2,Zheng Tian Ling 1 * #
1.Xiamen University
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: 863项目,创新群体项目,博士点基金,973项目(No.2008AA09Z408; 40521003; 20050384002; 2001CB409710)
Opened online: 9 January 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wang Xin,Li Zhi Jiang,Ning Xiu Rental.A red-tide causing algae- Alexandrium tamarense lysed by bacteria in phycosphere[OL]. [ 9 January 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/27578
There were stabilized bacteria community in the xenic culture of Alexandrium tamarense, a red-tide causing algal. But little was known about the interaction between algal and bacteria community in its phycosphere. The objective of the current study was to determin the effect of bacteria in Alexandrium tamarense phycosphere on the growth of the algal. We added One percent (v/v) of 2216E medium to Alexandrium tamarense culture to alter the growth of bacteria. These results showed that algal cells were all lysed within 16 hours . After adding 2216E medium, both the abundance and the extracellular enzyme activity of bacteria increased by 50-100 times from the 6th hour to the 10th hour in lysis of algae. 16S rRNA gene fragments of most Bacteria were amplified from DNA extracted from cultures and were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing. The structure of bacteria community changed greatly in the process of algal lysis. Two bacteria strains, Alteromonas sp. and Thalassobius aestuarii sp. might be responsible for the algal lysing. And The β-D-glucosidase and chitinase produced by bacteria in phycosphere could directly cause the lysis of algae. These experiments provide an evidence of that bacteria in the phycosphere play a key role in Alexandrium tamarense culture ecosystem.
Keywords:Alexandrium tamarense; Phycosphere; Extracellular Enzyme Activity(EEA) ; Interaction between bacteria and alga; Control of red-tide

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