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Comparative Study of Serum Proteins Between Guizhou Miniature Pig And Human
Younan Chen,Shengfang Qin,Jingqiu Cheng * #
Key Laboratory of Transplant Engineering and Immunology, Ministry of Health, West China Hospital, Sichuan University.
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金,国家自然科学基金(No.20050610099,30772037)
Opened online:15 January 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Younan Chen,Shengfang Qin,Jingqiu Cheng.Comparative Study of Serum Proteins Between Guizhou Miniature Pig And Human[OL]. [15 January 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/27906
Porcine liver synthesized proteins performing efficient physiological function in human body is an essential premise for successful liver xenotransplantation. So, we did preliminary study on porcine serum protein and compared with that of human to gain insight into the functional compatibility in xenotransplantation. Venous blood was collected from 30 Guizhou Miniature Pigs (Sus scrofa) and 30 human volunteers. Total Protein (TP) was detected by biuret and Albumin (Alb) was detected by bromocresol green. Serum proteins were electrophoresed in REP electrophoresis system and the percentage of each subtype was calculated. The concentration of porcine Alb was apparently lower than that of human (p<0.05), while the TP level was similar. Consistently, porcine Alb% was lower than that of human while the concentration of porcine Globulin (Glb) and percentage of each subtype (Alpha1, Alpha2, Beta and Gamma Globulin) are higher than that of human (p<0.05). The results suggested that there were definite differences in contents of serum proteins between human and pig, which would lead to potential functional incompatibility after porcine liver was transplanted into human body.
Keywords:Guizhou Miniature Pig; Serum protein; Xenotransplantation; Compatibility

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