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Research of the phosphorus types and releasing rates from the water-sediment interface of Shanzi deep reservoir in Fujian Province
Su Yuping *,Lin wangzhen,Linjia,ZHONG Hou-zhang,Chen Youzhen
Environmental Science and Engineering Department, Fujian Normal University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Nature Science Fund of Fujian Province (No.2007J0235,WO750003)
Opened online: 9 October 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Su Yuping,Lin wangzhen,Linjia.Research of the phosphorus types and releasing rates from the water-sediment interface of Shanzi deep reservoir in Fujian Province[OL]. [ 9 October 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/35695
The SMT methods were used for the extraction of phosphorus species in the surface sediments of the Shanzi reservoir in Fujian province in 2005.The results showed that the concentrations of total phosphorus in surface sediment ranged from 641mg/kg to 1068 mg/kg and the concentrations gradually increase from the Riverine Zone to Transition Zone and Lacustrine Zone. The content of total phosphorus decreases vertically from the surface sediment. while the aluminium/Iron bounded phosphorus and the organic phosphorus were the preponderant forms in the sediment, which opplied about 70%~85% of the total phosphorus concentration. The high sedimentary phosphorus is a potential source of dissolved phosphorus to the overlying water and the exchange potentials of phosphates at the water–sediment interface were investigated by the sediment sampling from four sections area. The capacity of releasing soluble phosphorus from the sediment is Lacustrine Zone larger then Transition Zone and the Riverine Zone. The low release rate of soluble phosphorus is due to the existing environmental conditions in the river. If condition such as DO changed, the release rate could increase by as much as 5-6 times, which could reach to 10.66 mg•m-2•d-1.The sediment phosphorus load would be an important factor of the trophic status of the reservoir if the outside sources had been reduced.
Keywords:sediment;phosphorus;types;releasing rate;deep reservoir;Fujian province

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