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Numerical Analysis of Vortex-like structure induced mechanism in Gaseous Detonation phenomena
Wang Changjian 1 *,Guo Changming 2
1.State key laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China
2.Department of modern mechanics , University of Science &Technology of China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点新教师基金,北京理工大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金(No.20070358072,KFJJ06-2)
Opened online:12 November 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wang Changjian,Guo Changming.Numerical Analysis of Vortex-like structure induced mechanism in Gaseous Detonation phenomena[OL]. [12 November 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/36651
Two-dimensional, time-dependent, reactive Navier–Stokes equations involving the effects of viscosity, thermal conduction, molecular diffusion and turbulence etc. were solved to obtain a deep insight into gaseous detonation vortex-like structures and its induced mechanism. Detailed chemical reaction model, together with standard k-εturbulence model, was employed in this paper. Numerical simulation indicates that a large amount of vortex-like structure emerges in detonation flow field due to its intrinsic three-dimensional structure. Vortex-like structure can also be induced by wall geometry with an abrupt cross-section area change. Shock wave interacts with slip line, which in turn causes the formation of vortex-like structure. In nature, all these induce the instability of slip line, so it is the slip line instability that is the essential reason for the emergence of vortex-like structure. Additionally, the difference of vortex-like structure between an ordinary detonation and a marginal detonation was compared. In an ordinary detonation, the vorticity magnitude of vortex-like structure is different, even for two vortex-like structures in the same pair. With increasing the distance away from leading front, the vorticity magnitude gradually decays. Slip line in a marginal detonation is more unstable and produces more vortex-like structures.
Keywords:Gaseous detonation wave;Vortex-like structure;Slip line;Detailed chemical reaction model;Numerical simulation

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