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Assessment of Zn and Pb pollution in Sheyang Estuary (China) using Hyperspectral data
Pan Jie 1 #,Zhang Ying 2
1.aCollege of Geography Science, Nanjing Forestry University
2.aCollege of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 高校博士点基金(No.200803190007)
Opened online: 4 January 2010
Accepted by: none
Citation: Pan Jie,Zhang Ying.Assessment of Zn and Pb pollution in Sheyang Estuary (China) using Hyperspectral data[OL]. [ 4 January 2010] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/38445
Estuaries are biologically productive and diverse coastal areas that are also vital to commerce, transportation, and recreation activities. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of the hyperspectral data for monitoring heavy metal pollution such as zincum(Zn) and plumbum(Pb) in estuary. A series of methods were used to manage the basical spectral reflectivity and the sensitive bands for estimation of above parameters. The Hyperion spectra show band to band spikes or dips, a selection based on single bands could match some spikes. The binning of bands were thus used instead of the single channels to develop the hyperspectral models. Quantitive models were presented to simulate the amount of heavy metal of Zn and Pb in estuary water according to the choosen largest value of R2 between the experimental amount of Zn and Pb and the corresponding worked reflectivey on the sensitive bands. The validation of these models showed that the relative RMSE values were basically less than 35%, which indicating that Hyperion imagery as a bench-mark for moving towards operational use of RS-related technologies that, integrated with traditional survey programmes, could provide useful information to implement the dynamic monitoring of heavy metal pollution in estuary.
Keywords:Zn,Pb;Hyperspectral data;estuary;models

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