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Smart Composite Based on Field Emission and Tunneling Effects and Its Piezoresistive Characteristic Model
Han Baoguo * #,Ou Jinping
Harbin Institute of Technology
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: 教育部博士点基金(No.20070213080)
Opened online:26 January 2010
Accepted by: none
Citation: Han Baoguo,Ou Jinping .Smart Composite Based on Field Emission and Tunneling Effects and Its Piezoresistive Characteristic Model[OL]. [26 January 2010] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/39485
A smart composite is fabricated from cement-matrix and spiky spherical nickel powders. The electrical resistivity of such composite decreases 69.00% under uniaxial compression. The gage factor of this composite is higher than 895.45 within the elastic regime. This ultrahigh piezoresistivity is attributed to the unique needle-like surface morphology of nickel powers. Comparing to the normal smooth spherical nickel particles, the needle-like features of spiky spherical nickel particles can induce field emission and tunneling effects, which leads to highly sensitive responses to strain. A constitutive model relating the change in electrical resistivity to strain of the composite is built within the elastic regime. This model incorporates the field emission effect and the inter-particle separation change of nickel powders in composite. The model is used to predict the piezoresistive characteristic behavior of the composite. The predicted result is compared with the experimental data obtained on the composite, and good agreement is obtained.
Keywords:Cement-based composite;spiky spherical nickel powder;piezoresistivity;field emission effect;tunneling effect;piezoresistive characteristic model

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