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Descending of smoke layering interface in long channel hot smoke tests
Hu Longhua 1 * #,Li Yuanzhou 1,Huo Ran 2
1.State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China
2.State Key Laboratory of Fire Science- University of Science and Technology of China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金(No.20030358051)
Opened online:12 December 2005
Accepted by: none
Citation: Hu Longhua,Li Yuanzhou,Huo Ran.Descending of smoke layering interface in long channel hot smoke tests [OL]. [12 December 2005] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4285
Descent of smoke layer in a long channel when carrying out hot smoke tests with small fires was presented. An experimental method using infrared beams is used to track the smoke layer interface front. The arrival time of the smoke layer interface front to a designated position would be measured by the abrupt attenuation of the infrared beam intensity. Field measurements were carried out in an underground long channel of length 96 m. Diesel pool fires up to 1.5 MW were studied. The results on tracking the smoke layer interface front were compared with the measurements by using thermocouples, thermal resistors and visual observations. This method is demonstrated to be useful for tracking the smoke layer interface front under small fires. Therefore, the method is suitable for studying the smoke layer descending in hot smoke tests for evaluating smoke management systems in long channels. The Descending of smoke layer was tracked at 7 m, 39 m and 79 m away from the fire. Results showed that the smoke layer at cross section of 79 m away from the fire descended much faster than that of 7 m and 39 m. The smoke layer seemed to descend faster at positions further away from the fire due to longitudinal air entrainment at the smoke layer interface.
Keywords:smoke layer interface front tracking, infrared beam, thermocouple

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