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Study on the Three-dimensional Loading Optimization Problem of Freight Transshipment
Bu Lei 1 * #,Yin Chuanzhong 2
1.School of Transportation Engineering,Tongji University
2.School of Transportation Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点新教师基金(No.20070247067), 国家自然科学青年基金(No.70901056)
Opened online:22 December 2010
Accepted by: none
Citation: Bu Lei,Yin Chuanzhong.Study on the Three-dimensional Loading Optimization Problem of Freight Transshipment[OL]. [22 December 2010] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4397536
In this paper, the three-dimensional bin packing optimization for freight transshipment in multimodal transportation is considered. The problem is to load a set of different size regular goods with given quantities in containers at the container transfer station, and the objective is to minimize the number of containers needed. The authors set up the mathematic model considering the general characteristic of container multi-modal transportation, such as the constraints of load capacity, loading mass, direction and sequence of placement, and loading stability. At the same time, the authors also introduce the parameter of freight transportation time window, which is decided by freight train formation plan and transit deadline of goods. The authors put out an immune algorithm for the problem to enforce constringency. In this algorithm, effective antibody coding is designed in view of constraints of load capacity, loading mass, direction and sequence of placement, and affinity function is designed in view of constraints of loading stability and freight transportation time window. Computer simulation shows the efficiency and validity of the model and algorithm.
Keywords:Transportation planning and management; Container transport; Three-dimensional packing;Immune algorithm

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