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Non-linear Motion Equations for Rod with Large Deformation
XIAO Jianhua * #
Measurement Institute, Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo, 454000
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:28 December 2012
Accepted by: none
Citation: XIAO Jianhua.Non-linear Motion Equations for Rod with Large Deformation[OL]. [28 December 2012] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4506394
Referring to the central line of rod to establish local dragging coordinator system, the S+R decomposition of deformation tensor is used to obtain the two sets of non-linear motion equations of rod with large deformation. One set is about the central line, another set is out-central line regions. For simple bending and simple torsion, simplifed non-linear motion equations are obtained. The research shows that: 1) for sharp bending, the exact motion equations for elastic line is obtained; 2) for simple torsion, the intrinsic stretching along the rotation direction is indispensable. This is the main distinction between rigid rotation and the local whole rotation in continuum; 3) when the local rotation angle is big enough, the deformation will jump to the another kind of formation form; 4) the S+R decomposition can be viewed as decomposing the general deformation into one torsion-free local stretching S and one deformation with torsion R.
Keywords:large deformation; local rotation; additive decomposition; non-linear motion equation; mixture stress tensor.

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