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Characterization of heavy metals in the contaminated BFMSW using synchrotron radiation-induced micro-X-ray fluorescence
ZHANG Hua,WU Jun,SHAO Liming,HE Pinjing *
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11079049), Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No.20090072120068), National Basic Research Program of China (No.973 Program No. 2011CB201500)
Opened online:31 January 2013
Accepted by: none
Citation: ZHANG Hua,WU Jun,SHAO Liming.Characterization of heavy metals in the contaminated BFMSW using synchrotron radiation-induced micro-X-ray fluorescence[OL]. [31 January 2013] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4517037
Heavy metal pollution of biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste (BFMSW) greatly hampered its beneficial reuse. Synchrotron radiation-induced micro-X-ray fluorescence (SR-μXRF) was employed to elucidate the elemental characteristics of contaminated BFMSW. Six sectioned BFMSW samples were selected for SR-μXRF mapping and 50 individual fine particles sorbed onto BFMSW were analyzed using SR-μXRF point scanning. The results showed that heavy metals tended to be concentrated on the surface of BFMSW and highly localized to some "hot-spots". Marked differences in heavy metal sequestering potentials among various kinds of BFMSW, and the significant role of heavy metal "hot-spots" in BFMSW contamination were identified. The lower heavy metal levels in the simulated samples compared to field samples (with longer and more intense mixing) indicated that inter-contamination during waste handling contributed significantly to heavy metal accumulation in BFMSW. Furthermore, additional information regarding elemental characteristics of individual particles could be acquired using SR-μXRF.
Keywords:biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste; heavy metal; synchrotron radiation-induced micro-X-ray fluorescence; individual fine particle; elemental fingerprint

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