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Cellular automata Model: an Adaptive Approach to Determining the Flow of Tollbooths
Liu Quanxing * #
North University of China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:22 December 2005
Accepted by: none
Citation: Liu Quanxing.Cellular automata Model: an Adaptive Approach to Determining the Flow of Tollbooths[OL]. [22 December 2005] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4556
Toll plaza is designed for collecting tolls in heavily travelled highways; it is however unpopular since the motorist is hardly happy when has to wait in a long line for paying for the tolls. The purpose of this paper is to propose innovative toll plaza systems that are expected to minimize motorist annoyance, and to determine the optimal number of tollbooths in a traffic lane by cellular automata, if only one tollbooth is expected for one lane. In our understanding, a good system is assumed to be able to account for the interests of both motorists and traffic managers, and to help achieve a well balance between motorist annoyance and the optimal number of tollbooths in a toll plaza. It is also assumed that, in a good system, the number of vehicles congested before the toll plaza tends to equal that of vehicles congested after the toll plaza in unit of time. All these assumptions have been validated. It is observed that the time gap for each vehicle passes through a toll plaza is at random variation; whether congestions may occur at a toll plaza is sensitive to this variable. We are then convinced that this model is the one that adapts to its environment rather than the one that tries to follow rigid rules. We choose for our research the Cellular Automata, a dynamic model for space-time calculation and discrete variables determination, because of its simplicity, flexibility, and capability to be easily simulated; and we then make a series of innovations to the motional rules in accordance with practical observations. By simulating this model with a Matlab program, we determine a close an almost optimal solution to the problems as described above. Our findings by using the innovated CA model as well as their significance have been discussed in our proposal.
Keywords:Tollbooths; cellular automata; traffic flow; modelling

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