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A mobile devices energy measurement model for data compression and transmission
ZHANG Yu * #,JIANG Xiangzhou,LIN Anhua,ZHANG Jianzhong
College of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, 300071
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China Grant (No.No. 2011031120030)
Opened online:29 December 2015
Accepted by: none
Citation: ZHANG Yu,JIANG Xiangzhou,LIN Anhua.A mobile devices energy measurement model for data compression and transmission[OL]. [29 December 2015] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4668095
Cloud service has been widely used in people's daily life for its convenience and security. In general, there are two sub processes in the course of the interaction mobile devices and cloud servers: data compression and transmission. The former compresses data to save transmission time and data traffic. The latter push data to cloud servers for further processing from the mobile devices. However, both processes operate at a high energy consumption, which introduce extra energy cost to the energy-hungry mobile device and reduce the degree of user experience. In this paper, we present a test methodology for evaluating energy cost on mobile devices, and propose a power module for analyzing the energy consumption during data compression and transmission. In order to analyze the power consumption, we first investigate these two sub processes-data compression and data transmission in detail. Then we present an energy measurement methodology to perform energy detection for components on smartphones. Then we propose an energy cost model for data compression and transmission to describe the energy consumption during the interaction process. Finally we apply the energy measurement methodology to the experiment for different data compression and data transmission methods, and find an energy efficient data compression method for these two sub processes. The result shows when the transmission rate reaches 800KB/s, the zip method only costs 52.4% energy of the second energy-efficient method.
Keywords:energy-efficient; compression; transmission

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