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Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of emerging bisphenol analogues in aquatic organisms from Taihu Lake, China
Wang Qiang,Chen Meng,Zhu Lingyan * #
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China 300350
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: Natural Science Foundation of China (No.NSFC 21325730, 21577067, 21277077)), Ministry of Education innovation team(No.IRT 13024), Ministry of Education(No.20130031130005)
Opened online: 2 May 2017
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wang Qiang,Chen Meng,Zhu Lingyan.Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of emerging bisphenol analogues in aquatic organisms from Taihu Lake, China[OL]. [ 2 May 2017] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4729307
Due to regulations on bisphenol A (BPA) in many countries, a variety of bisphenol analogues are being widely manufactured and applied. However, there is a big knowledge gap on accumulation and biomagnification of these emerging bisphenols in aquatic organisms. The bioaccumulation and magnification of nine bisphenol analogues in aquatic organisms at different trophic levels collected from Taihu Lake, China, were evaluated. The total concentrations of the nine bisphenols in the lake waters were in the range of 49.7-3480 ng/L (average, 389 ng/L). BPA, bisphenol AF (BPAF) and bisphenol S (BPS) were the most predominant analogues in the water. The average natural logarithm bioconcentration factors (log BAFs) of BPAF, bisphenol C (BPC), bisphenol Z (BPZ) and bisphenol E (BPE) were greater than BPA, and there was a significantly positive correlation between log BAFs of the biphenols and their octanol-water partition coefficients (log Kow). The trophic magnification factors of BPAF, BPC and BPZ were 2.52, 2.69 and 1.71, respectively, suggesting that they had the potential to biomagnify in the food web. The results of this study call for further investigations on risk assessment of these emerging pollutants in the environment.?????
Keywords:environmental chemical; bisphenol analogues; bioaccumulation; biomagnification; trophic magnification factor?????

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