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Effect of maize-soybean intercropping and nitrogen rates on crop nitrogen and carbon uptake in upland red soil
YANG Wenting 1 *,MIAO Jianqun 1,WANG Xiaowei 1,XU Jiancheng 1,LU Meijuan 2
1.School of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang, 330045
2.College of Territorial Resources and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, 330045
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No.No.20133603120005)), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.No. 31360108)
Opened online:11 May 2017
Accepted by: none
Citation: YANG Wenting,MIAO Jianqun,WANG Xiaowei.Effect of maize-soybean intercropping and nitrogen rates on crop nitrogen and carbon uptake in upland red soil[OL]. [11 May 2017] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4732613
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of cropping patterns (mono maize, mono soybean and maize-soybean intercropping) and nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg/ha) on crop biomass, nitrogen and carbon accumulation in upland red soil. The results show that: Compared with sole maize, maize dry matter yield and carbon accumulation decreased when in intercropped soybean. Also, the interaction between intercropping and nitrogen rates changed nitrogen accumulation and distribution in crop grain, straw and root. Nitrogen application significantly increased maize dry matter yield, nitrogen and carbon accumulation, but reduced those of soybean. In a conclusion, corn-soybean intercropping and nitrogen rates affected the growth of corn and soybean in upland red soil, and changed the allocations of nitrogen and carbon. Maize-soybean intercropping should be an effective and sustainable cropping system for upland red soil.
Keywords:Agroecology; Nitrogen accumulation; Carbon accumulation; Red soil

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