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Derivation of a 17 myocardial segment angiographic scoring system and its validation
XU Mingxing 1,HE Yongming 2 * #
1.The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University;The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: National Nature Science of China (No.No. 81472918)
Opened online:15 September 2017
Accepted by: none
Citation: XU Mingxing,HE Yongming.Derivation of a 17 myocardial segment angiographic scoring system and its validation[OL]. [15 September 2017] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4741405
The Syntax Score has been devised to characterize the number of lesions, and their functional impact, location, and complexity in terms of coronary artery trees. An obvious fallacy is that the Syntax Score system over simply divided coronary artery circulation system into right or left dominant coronary artery circulation, which fails to reflect the great variability of coronary artery trees. Furthermore, the Syntax Score is in essence blood vessel-based rather than blood vessel importance-based. Finally, the scores assigned for the lesion characteristics, such as calcification, tortuosity, angulation, and thrombosis, etc, are largely arbitrary in the Syntax score. In the current study, we have aimed to devise a new scoring system, the 17 myocardial segment based coronary scoring system, to accurately describe the anatomical characteristics of the native coronary artery trees, to grade the complexity of the acquired coronary artery diseases according to the importance of a blood vessel, and to collect the treatment information on lesions. We have successfully completed a program to realize the above-mentioned aims based on the following preexisting or initiated classifications or rules: 54 coronary artery circulations; a 17 myocardial segment model; the 3 areas delineated by 3 anatomical landmarks on the left heart surface; law of competitive myocardial blood supply for the 3 areas; and blood flow for parent vessels equals the summation of blood flow for daughter vessels. The utility of the 17 myocardial segment based coronary scoring system for prediction of outcomes will be investigated prospectively in the conduct of the trial: in acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing emergency percutaneous coronary intervention trial (AMI-EPCI trial). Once validated and standardized, the 17 myocardial segment based coronary scoring system will be available online.
Keywords:17 myocardial segment model; angiographic scoring system; coronary artery disease

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