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A possible cause of the Cambrian explosion:the influence of radioactivity on biological evolution
PENG Haibo 1 *,LIU Fengfei 2,SUN Mengli 2,CHEN Hao 2,WANG Tieshang 2
1.School of nuclear science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;School of nuclear science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;School of nuclear science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;School of nuclear science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;School of nuclear science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000
*Correspondence author
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Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11505085), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.lzujbky-2015-68)
Opened online: 9 October 2017
Accepted by: none
Citation: PENG Haibo,LIU Fengfei,SUN Mengli.A possible cause of the Cambrian explosion:the influence of radioactivity on biological evolution[OL]. [ 9 October 2017] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4741582
Cambrian explosion, the Big Bang in biology, strongly influences on biosphere. However, the cause of the Cambrian explosion is unknown. A hypothesis that a step increase in radioactive level led to the increase of specie number was proposed. On the basis of assumption that evolution rate increased with radiation level in environment, a model was proposed to calculate the evolution of specie number with time during the Cambrian period. The specie number calculated by our mode was insistent with the class number in Cambrian period. Candidates of radionuclides that might induce increase of the radiation level in Cambrian period were listed. Possible paths that the radionuclides went into ocean were discussed. This work presents a new explanation to cause of Cambrian explosion which could explain an explosion in specie number in a short time.?????
Keywords:evolution; Cambrian explosion; mutation; radiation

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