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Review: on maize grain harvest mechanization and its influencing factors
Mukti Marasini,Zhang Guiping,Zhang Shunfeng,Guan Xia,Liu Yao,Zhang Fenglu *
Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of Hebei, College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei 071001, China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: National Key R&D Program of Foundation(No.2016YFD0300306)
Opened online:22 July 2019
Accepted by: none
Citation: Mukti Marasini,Zhang Guiping,Zhang Shunfeng.Review: on maize grain harvest mechanization and its influencing factors[OL]. [22 July 2019] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4749379
Mechanically harvesting is important indicator of technology transformation in agricultural production, increase farm efficiency, income and productivity and solves the contradiction between labour shortage and maize production, but often increase the grain lost, ear lost and breakage percentage due to high grain moisture content at harvest which is the key problem of harvest mechanization in maize production. This paper reviewed relationship between the grain moisture content and its relation to grain filling, agronomy character and management, genetic character and environmental factor. The effect of moisture content on these factor and provide the possible way to increase the harvest mechanization also analyzed. The result provide a basis for increase maize mechanization harvest by selecting suitable varieties with the fast dehydration rate and adopt to the environmental condition. Improvement of maize varieties should done through the breading in concern of yield and quality, lodging resistance, fast dehydration rate and low moisture content at physical maturity.
Keywords:Maize; grain mechanically harvest; grain; moisture content; influencing factors

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