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Reliability Analysis on the Crude Oil Unit in Processing Heavy Oil
Wang Guorong * #,Liu Qingyou,Yang Qiming
Southwest Petroleum University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金(No.20050615003)
Opened online:30 December 2008
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wang Guorong,Liu Qingyou,Yang Qiming.Reliability Analysis on the Crude Oil Unit in Processing Heavy Oil[OL]. [30 December 2008] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/27130
The crude oil unit is the first working unit of crude oil fractionation units in all refinery units. By the theory of fault tree in reliability analysis, this paper set up the fault tree of the crude oil unit in processing heavy oil. The Analysis result based on the fault tree shows that one of the main invalidation reasons that affect the crude oil unit in processing heavy oil is naphthenic acid corrosion. The analysis of the corrosion mechanism and influencing factors has been studied in this paper, including a corrosion experiment research of the corrosion rate of several materials in different temperatures, consistence and velocity. By the experiment, some important data has been recorded. Integrated analysis on the experiment result and the fault tree, it has been found that the factors deeply and directly affects the corrosion rate of the naphthenic acid, such as the temperature, consistence, relatively move speed, material, and so on. And the relationship is a complex nonlinear problem.
Keywords:Fault tree analysis;Crude oil unit;Reliability analysis;Naphthenic acid corrosion;Heavy oil processing

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