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Selectivity and Permeation of KcsA Channel and Its Mutants
Liu Yuzhi,Zhan Yong,Zhang Suhua,Yu Hui,An Hailong *,Zhang Hailin
Institute of Biophysics Hebei University of Technology
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 国家自然科学基金,教育部博士基金,河北省教育厅科研项目(No.10775038,200600080001,2006148)
Opened online:20 August 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Liu Yuzhi,Zhan Yong,Zhang Suhua.Selectivity and Permeation of KcsA Channel and Its Mutants[OL]. [20 August 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/34580
Ion selectivity is the essential problem of K+ ion channels. Peoples think that the selectivity filter which is consist of the signature sequence is the functional unit that allows K+ channels to distinguish potassium (K+) from sodium (Na+) ions. The new experimental data showed that the mutant channel of KcsA with the same signature sequence and structure has different selectivity properties when it is in the low or high [K+] conditions. It indicates that besides of the selectivity filter there must be other factor which can affect the selectivity of K+ ion channels. To answer this question, the authors executed DFT and BD simulations based on the three dimensional structure of the channels. Our data suggest that not only the signature sequence of K+ channels but also the interaction between the channels and cations determine if the channel has selectivity.
Keywords:selectivity;permeation;density functional theory;potassium ion channels

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