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Estimation of phytoplankton primary production based on in situ hyperspectral and simulated MERIS data in Taihu Lake, China
LI Yunmei 1 *,LE Chengfeng 2,ZHA Yong 2,SUN Deyong 2
1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Nanjing Normal University, Ministry of Education, NanJing 210023
2. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Nanjing Normal University, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, 210023, China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Research Plan Foundation from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No.No. 2008BAC34B05), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.No. 40571110), Nanjing Normal University(No.No. 2007105XLH0039), the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (No.No. [2007]1108), the Scientific Research Foundation of Outstanding doctoral of Nanjing Normal University (No.No. 181200000223), the Scientific Research Foundation of Creative Plan for graduate students of Jiangsu Province (No.No. CX08B_014Z)
Opened online:22 November 2012
Accepted by: none
Citation: LI Yunmei,LE Chengfeng,ZHA Yong.Estimation of phytoplankton primary production based on in situ hyperspectral and simulated MERIS data in Taihu Lake, China[OL]. [22 November 2012] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4495879
This study attempts to demonstrate the possibility of hyperspectra reflectance and MERIS data in estimating primary production. Reflectance spectra of waters in shallow Taihu Lake of East China were measured at 50 monitoring stations with an ASD FieldSpec spectroradiometer during 8-22 November of 2007. Primary production at the 50 stations was calculated from the vertically generalized production model. The relationship between primary production and reflectance was established via regression analysis. It was found that strong correlation exists between primary production and reflectance at 443nm and 679nm. The reflectance at these two wavelengths Rrs(443) and Rrs(679) can explain 70% and 65% variance in primary production, respectively. The ratio of two bands is more accurately than a single band in estimating primary production, but the accuracy depends considerably on the range of primary production. Primary production was also estimated from MERIS channels in the vicinity of 443nm (band 2), 555nm (band 5) and 679nm (band 8). These simulated channels can be used to estimate primary production satisfactorily. However, individual bands can achieve more accurate estimates than the ratio of multiple bands.
Keywords:Taihu Lake; MERIS; primary production; phytoplankton

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