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Study of pattern and products of salting out in treating mustard tuber wastewater by mixed hybrid membrane bioreactor
CHAI Hongxiang *,AI Nanping,CHEN Wei
School of city construction and environmental engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Ministry of Education Doctoral Fundation,New Teacher Gategory,People‘s Republic of China Grant(No.20090191120036)
Opened online: 8 February 2013
Accepted by: none
Citation: CHAI Hongxiang,AI Nanping,CHEN Wei.Study of pattern and products of salting out in treating mustard tuber wastewater by mixed hybrid membrane bioreactor[OL]. [ 8 February 2013] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4515613
When treating a mustard tuber wastewater with high concentration of salt and nitrogen by mixed hybrid membrane bioreactor, the salting out could accelerate speed of membrane fouling that would lead to the decrease of membrane flux, even make the membrane useless due to the membrane damage. In order to solve this problem, an experimental research was carried to study of the pattern and the products of salting out in treating mustard tuber wastewater by membrane bioreactor(MBR). According to the analysis of salting out, it could provide theoretical foundations for slowing down and preventing membrane from fouling. The research showed that the crystal precipitation, the filamentous sludge, the grainy sludge and sludge lumping would respectively adhere to the membrane modules when the experimental water temperature was respectively controlled at under 10 C, between 10 C and 15 C, and above 15 C. So it could be concluded that temperature was the main factor of effecting salting out, and lower temperature leaded to more salting out as well as more servere membrane fouling. The degree of salting out of the four situations was crystal precipitation> filamentous sludge adhering> grainy sludge adhering≈sludge lumping.
Keywords: Municipal engineering; Mustard wastewater; Membrane fouling; Temperature; Membrane bioreactor(MBR); Salting out

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