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Reduning Injection Sensitization in Guinea pigs
Wang Fang 1 #,Peng Guoping 1 *,Xiao Wei 2,Wang Zhenzhong 2,Zheng yunfeng 1,Li Cunyu 1,Zhu Huaxu 1
1.College of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023
2. Jiangsu Kanion pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd Lianyungang 222047
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (No.No.20123237110009) , the program of State Key Laboratory of New-tech for Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Process)
Opened online: 4 August 2014
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wang Fang,Peng Guoping,Xiao Wei.Reduning Injection Sensitization in Guinea pigs[OL]. [ 4 August 2014] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4604851
Reduning injection, a traditional Chinese medicine injection, has multiple functions such as clearing heat, dispelling wind, as well as detoxification. However, there are a few reports of severe anaphylaxis during the clinical application of reduning. The aim of this study is to determine the sensitization to reduning in guinea pigs and the underlying cause of the anaphylactic reaction. The compositions and Tween-80 in reduning were determined before and after ultrafiltration. Egg albumin, ultrafiltered reduning, unfiltered reduning, Tween-80 and nine compositions in reduning were selected to sensitize and stimulate the animals. Changes in the levels of plasma 5-hydroxytryptamine were used to analyze the effect of ultrafiltration on the sensitization effect of reduning injection. We detected a significant decrease in Tween-80 content but a less significant decrease in the other components of the injection following ultrafiltration. Unfiltered reduning injection, Tween-80, and chlorogenic acid caused remarkable sensitization on guinea pigs while the filtered reduning injection resulted in a significantly lower degree of sensitization. These results suggest that ultrafiltration significantly reduced the sensitizing effect of reduning injection, which is likely due to Tween-80 content. Additionally, the form of chlorogenic acid within the complex solution mixture may also affect the sensitizing effect of chlorogenic acid.
Keywords:Reduning injection, Ultrafiltration, Tween-80, Chlorogenic acid, Sensitization

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