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Person Re-identification with Data-Driven Features
Xiang Li, Jinyu Gao, Xiaobin Chang, Yuting Mai, Wei-Shi Zheng *
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No.20110171120051)
Opened online:15 September 2014
Accepted by: none
Citation: Xiang Li, Jinyu Gao, Xiaobin Chang.Person Re-identification with Data-Driven Features[OL]. [15 September 2014] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4607551
Human-specified appearance features are widely used for person re-identification at present, such as color and texture histograms. Often, thesefeatures are limited by the subjective appearance of pedestrians. This paper presents a new representation to re-identification that incorporates data-driven features to improve the reliability and robustness in person matching. Firstly, we utilize a deep learning network, namely PCA Network, to learn data-driven features from person images. The features mine more discriminative cues from pedestrian data and compensate the drawback of human-specified features. Then the data-driven features and common human-specified features are combined to produce a final representation of each image. The so-obtained enriched Data-driven Representation (eDR) has been validated through experiments on two person re-identification datasets, demonstrating that the proposed representation is effective for person matching. That is, the data-driven features facilitatemore accurate re-identification when they are fused together with the human-specified features.
Keywords:Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Person Re-identification, Data-Driven Features, PCA Network

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