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A generality enhanced forensic towards GAN facial images
Xiong Xiao-Fang,Yang Gao-Bo *
School of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 人脸图像合成与表情迁移的被动取证研究 (No.61972143)
Opened online:20 May 2020
Accepted by: none
Citation: Xiong Xiao-Fang,Yang Gao-Bo.A generality enhanced forensic towards GAN facial images[OL]. [20 May 2020] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4752048
\justifying Recent advances in GAN technique have made it much easier than ever to generate believable face images, which brings some potential security issues to the public. Currently a variety of architectures have been proposed to detect these generated fake images, but few works address the problem of generalization ability of forensics models, which means most of them need prior knowledge of the structure of GAN model when detecting a specific GAN fake face images, and unable to detect unseen fake images generated by other GAN models. In this work, we tackle the generality enhanced problem by adding a fixed weight convolutional layer before CNN structure, which contain three designed high-pass filters. Firstly, we convert RGB images to YCbCr color space to get more obvious edge information. Then, EfficientNet is adopted as our basic CNN structure to extract inhenrent features and classify them. Finally, a fixed weight layer is added to the first convolutional layer, which could greatly suppress the semantic image content and magnify microscopic characteristics of images, thus help to enhance the generalization ability of the model. A series of experiments demonstrate that our approach achieve superior performance compare with the state-of-the-art work in terms of the generality of forensics model.
Keywords:blind forensics, fake face detection, generability, deep learning, generative adversarial networks

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