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Electrocatalytic oxidation and voltammetric determination of tyrosine, tryptophan and their derivatives at a uracil grafted glassy carbon electrode
Guang-feng Kang 1,Xiao-hong Zhu 1,Xiang- qin Lin 2 * #
1.Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China
2.Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China,
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: 国家自然科学基金,高等教育博士点学科专项基金(No.20575062,20040358021)
Opened online:22 March 2007
Accepted by: none
Citation: Guang-feng Kang,Xiao-hong Zhu,Xiang- qin Lin .Electrocatalytic oxidation and voltammetric determination of tyrosine, tryptophan and their derivatives at a uracil grafted glassy carbon electrode[OL]. [22 March 2007] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/11596
A uracil grafted glassy carbon electrode (Ura/GCE) was fabricated. The electrode was characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cyclic voltammertry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) techniques. The electrochemical behaviors of Trp, Tyr and their derivatives, such as dopamine (DA), epinephrine (EP) and norepinephrine (NE) at Ura/GCE were investigated. All these bioactive species can be electrocatalytically oxidized at significantly reduced overpotentials and generate sensitive current signals at Ura/GCE. The linear range (detection limit, s/n=3) obtained for Tyr and Trp was 1.8 -12 0 礛 (0.8 礛) and 1.8 - 890 礛 (0.8 礛), respectively. In the coexistence of 1.0 mM AA (Ep(DPV)=-0.02 V), the linear range (detection limit, s/n=3) obtained for DA, EP, NE was 0.37 -36 礛 (0.2 礛), 0.38-13 礛 (0.2 礛), and 1.8 -84 礛 (0.8 礛), respectively. The Ura/GCE showed good electrocatalytic ability and anti-interference ability. The mechanism for Trp (Tyr) electrocatalytic oxidation was proposed.
Keywords:uracil, modified electrode, tryptophan, tyrosine, determination

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