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Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge: A Survey
Zengyou He * #
Harbin Institute of Technology
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: 国家863项目(No.2003AA4Z2170/2003AA4l3021)
Opened online:28 January 2005
Accepted by: none
Citation: Zengyou He.Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge: A Survey[OL]. [28 January 2005] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/1513
he data mining process consists of a series of steps ranging from data cleaning, data selection and transformation, to pattern evaluation and visualization. One of the central problems in data mining is to make the mined patterns or knowledge actionable. Here, the term actionable refers to the mined patterns suggest concrete and profitable actions to the decision-maker. That is, the user can do something to bring direct benefits (increase in profits, reduction in cost, improvement in efficiency, etc.) to the organization’s advantage. However, there has been written no comprehensive survey available on this topic. The goal of this paper is to fill the void. In this paper, we first present two frameworks for mining actionable knowledge that are inexplicitly adopted by existing research methods. Then we try to situate some of the research on this topic from two different viewpoints: 1) data mining tasks and 2) adopted framework. Finally, we specify issues that are either not address
Keywords:Data Mining, Actionable Knowledge, Association Rules, Clustering, Classification, Outlier.

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