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Mechanical strength of atomic chains, surface skins, and nanograins
Sun Chang Qing * #
Nanyang Technological University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:14 June 2005
Accepted by: none
Citation: Sun Chang Qing.Mechanical strength of atomic chains, surface skins, and nanograins[OL]. [14 June 2005] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/2200
his report deals with the correlation between the mechanical strength and thermal stability of systems extending from monatomic chains to surface skins and solids over the whole range of sizes with emphasis on the significance of atomic coordination imperfection. Derived solutions show that a competition between the bond order loss and the associated bond strength gain of the lower coordinated atoms dictate the thermo-mechanics of the low dimensional systems. Bond order loss lowers the atomic cohesive energy that determines the temperature of melting (Tm), or the activation energy for atomic dislocation, whereas bond strength gain enhances the energy density, or mechanical strength, in the surface skin. Therefore, the surface is harder at T << Tm whereas the surface becomes softer when the T approaches the surface Tm that is lower than the bulk due to bond order loss. Hence, the strained nanostructures are usually stiffer at low T whereas the harder skins melt easier. Quantitative inf
Keywords:nanostructures; surfaces; monatomic chain; mechanical strength; thermal stability; extensibility; Hall-Petch relationship.

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