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Investigations on Preparation of Activated Carbon from Eupatorium Adenophorum Spreng with Phosphoric Acid Activation by Microwave Heating
XIA Hong-ying ,PENG Jin-hui *,YANG Kun-bin #,ZHANG Li-bo ,QU Wen-wen
Faculty of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划(No.20050674009,教技委[2002] 6号)
Opened online:12 January 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: XIA Hong-ying ,PENG Jin-hui ,YANG Kun-bin .Investigations on Preparation of Activated Carbon from Eupatorium Adenophorum Spreng with Phosphoric Acid Activation by Microwave Heating[OL]. [12 January 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/27648
In this study, a series of activated carbons were prepared with eupatorium adenophorum Spreng as raw materials and phosphoric acid as activating agent, using ultrasound impregnating and microwave heating procedure. The effects of the method and time of impregnating, microwave power, microwave heating time and the concentration of phosphoric acid on the yield and adsorption properties of activated carbon were systematically studied. The result show that the impregnating time can be shortened effectively at ultrasound condition, the heating time can be shortened greatly by microwave heating, and the methylene blue adsorption is good. Optimum process conditions were obtained as follows: ultrasound-assisted impregnation time 30min and dried at 120℃for 2h, microwave power 595W, heating time13min and the concentration of phosphoric acid 40%. Under these conditions, the iodine number, methylene blue adsorption and yield of the activated carbon reached 907.86mg/g, 24.5ml/0.1g and 40.35%, respectively. The methylene blue adsorption was 2.2 times of that the first grade of GB/T 13803.4-1999.
Keywords:Ultrasound; Microwave Heating; Activated Carbon; Eupatorium Adenophorum Spreng; Phosphoric Acid

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