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Electrochemical and Spectrometric Studies of Double Strand Calf Thymus Gland DNA Denatured by Al(III) at Neutral pH
Fuping Zhang,Qing Cao,Jiongjia Cheng,Caihua Zhang,Na An,Shuping Bi *
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Naning University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金;国家自然科学基金;长春市应用电子化学重点实验室(No.20050284030;20575025&NFFTBS-J0630425;2008008)
Opened online:13 January 2009
Accepted by: none
Citation: Fuping Zhang,Qing Cao,Jiongjia Cheng.Electrochemical and Spectrometric Studies of Double Strand Calf Thymus Gland DNA Denatured by Al(III) at Neutral pH[OL]. [13 January 2009] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/27717
The interaction between double strand calf thymus gland DNA (ds-DNA) and Al(III) was studied by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE), Raman spectrometry and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. It was shown that at neutral pH ds-DNA did not produce any cathodic peak at the HMDE in the potential window from -550 mV to -2000 mV vs. SCE. However, in the presence of Al(III), a cathodic peak generated at about -1660 mV, which is ascribed to the reduction of adenine and cytosine residues of the denatured DNA (d-DNA). It was concluded that ds-DNA was denatured to single d-DNA completely by Al(III) at neutral pH. The apparent denaturing kinetic velocity constants of ds-DNA by Al(III) were derived from the linear increases of the cathodic peak currents with the time. When the concentration product [[Al(III)]×[OH-]^3>= 2×10^(-26), the precipitation of Al(OH)3 was observed and identified by the Raman spectrum and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). CD spectra showed that the B-type of structure conformations of ds-DNA and related d-DNA did not change with the increment of Al(III) from 5.0×10^(-7) to 1.0×10^(-5) M, but the corresponding absorption strengths increased. The related physiological significances and possible application of the observations were discussed.

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