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Kinetics and FTIR characteristics of poplar wood pyrolysis process
WANG Wenliang,REN Xueyong,CHANG Jianmin *,GOU Jinsheng,CHE Yanzhe
College of Material Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: the National Natural Science Fund, China, (No.No. 30972309) and the Doctor of Ministry of Education Fund, China,)
Opened online:11 July 2012
Accepted by: none
Citation: WANG Wenliang,REN Xueyong,CHANG Jianmin.Kinetics and FTIR characteristics of poplar wood pyrolysis process[OL]. [11 July 2012] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4483870
The pyrolysis characteristics of poplar wood residues were investigated in a thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (TG-FTIR). The pyrolysis process can be subdivided into four stages at 10 ℃/min varied from 30 to 650℃. A weight loss for drying and preheating the sample is below 180℃ and the onset temperature of initial pyrolysis is in the range of 180~260 ℃. A significant mass loss of 61.4wt.% occurred between 260~380℃ and it is followed by a slow and continuous mass change with lignin devolatilization. The analysis of kinetic reactions showed that the activation energy (78.29 kJomol-1) in low temperature section is much larger than that (6.40 kJomol-1) in high temperature section. The evolved gases formed by thermal degradation of poplar wood were simultaneously analyzed by FTIR. It is observed from the main peaks that the emissions evolved during poplar wood pyrolysis were acetic acid, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, water, some volatile compounds of esters, alcohols and aldehydes. The emissions gradually increased with the increasing temperature before a strong peak around 360℃ and then decreased. Most gasous products were emitted in 320~380℃, while CO2 was continuously emitted from a wide range of 140~550℃.
Keywords:poplar wood; pyrolysis; TG-FTIR; kinetics; characteristics

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