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The Influence of Adsorbed NOx Stability on NOx Trap Capacity below 200 ℃: Ceria-Zirconia Containing LNT Catalysts
WANG Xinquan #,LV Liangfang,ZHANG Qingqing,ZHANG Yuewei,WANG Jun,SHEN Meiqing *
Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of State Education Ministry, School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20090032110020)
Opened online:24 December 2012
Accepted by: none
Citation: WANG Xinquan,LV Liangfang,ZHANG Qingqing.The Influence of Adsorbed NOx Stability on NOx Trap Capacity below 200 ℃: Ceria-Zirconia Containing LNT Catalysts[OL]. [24 December 2012] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4500814
The NOx trap capacity has been investigated by temperature programmed adsorption (TPA) experiments over a variety of Ce/Zr-containing catalysts. A fresh (F) or aged (A) Ce/Zr component, such as Ce0.58Zr0.42O2 (CZ64) or Ce0.80Zr0.20O2 (CZ82), was physical mixed with Pt/Al2O3 (PA) to form a Ce/Zr-Pt/Al2O3 mixture. PA-FCZ64, PA-FCZ82 and PA-ACZ64 show significant improvement in slowing down the premature NO release as temperature ramp from 100 to 150 ℃ However, an obvious NO release occurs on PA-ACZ82 under the same conditions. Using in situ DRIFT spectrometer, we found that nitrites oxidation by lattice oxygen of Ce/Zr was promoted on the fresh samples. It results in low coverage of nitrite with high stability. On the other hand, a large amount of nitrite was formed on PA-ACZ82, which could desorb upon increasing temperature. XPS results show a surface enrichment of Zr on the Ce/Zr samples, and the degree of the enrichment on CZ64 is higher than that on CZ82 for both fresh and aged samples. Segregation of CeO2 from the Ce/Zr phase have occurred on ACZ82, resulting in a lower stability of the nitrite species.
Keywords:Ceria-zirconia; NOx Trap Capacity; Low Temperature; Coverage; Stability

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