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A compound-hunting approach to reveal the amidohydrolase-dependent
HAO Chunlin,YU Yi *
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wuhan University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20100146120021)
Opened online:24 January 2014
Accepted by: none
Citation: HAO Chunlin,YU Yi.A compound-hunting approach to reveal the amidohydrolase-dependent [OL]. [24 January 2014] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4582970
In biosynthesis of natural products, potential intermediates or analogs of a particular compound in the crude extracts are commonly overlooked in routine assays due to their low concentration or because of limited structural information. This may lead into an incomplete and even an incorrect biosynthetic pathway for the target molecule. Here we established a compound-hunting approach which is based on genome mining and mass spectrometry and evaluated it to identify potential pyrrolamide compounds in the fermentation culture of Streptomyces netropsis. Several novel pyrrolamides were then detected and characterized, and a revised model for the biosynthesis of pyrrolamide compounds was proposed. Significantly, our results implied an unprecedented "iterative strategy" underlying the pyrrolamide antibiotics biosynthesis. Therefore, the approach developed in this study not only can direct scaffold-oriented discovery of potential biosynthesis intermediates and analogs, but also has the potential to extend our knowledge of existing natural product biosynthesis mechanisms.
Keywords:Microbiology & Biochemical Pharmacy; Mass spectrometry; Biosynthesis; Genome mining; Pyrrolamide

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