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Orf in goats in China: prevalence and risk factors
GAO Yang 1,ZHAO Yanqing 2 #,LIU Jianpeng 3,ZHOU Ming 1,LIU Heyuan 1,LIU Fang 1,YANG Wenyu 1,CHEN Dekun 1 *
1.College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University
2.College of Basic Medicine, Hubei University of Medicine
3.Animal Diseases Control & Prevention Centre of Yulin City
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: Science and Technology Co-ordinate Innovation Project of Shaanxi Province, China (No.Grant no. 2015KTTSNY04-04 and Grant no. 2013KTZB02-02-03)
Opened online:31 May 2016
Accepted by: none
Citation: GAO Yang,ZHAO Yanqing,LIU Jianpeng.Orf in goats in China: prevalence and risk factors[OL]. [31 May 2016] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4691826
Orf is an important viral disease that affects goats and sheep and results in large economic losses. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of orf and to identify the potential risk factors of this disease in the main breeding areas of China. Among 1241 blood samples collected from goats without clinical signs of orf, 433 samples (34.89%) were positive for orf virus infection, which was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting a partial B2L sequence of the viral genome. Moreover, a total of 874 buccal swab samples were collected, of which 64 samples (7.32%) were positive for the orf virus on the basis of PCR detection. According to logistic regression, all of the variables, including age, breed, location and farm management, had significant impacts on the prevalence of orf. Lambs under intensive management in Yunnan province were more susceptible to orf virus infection than animals in other groups. Anglo-Nubian goats were at more risk of orf positivity than other breeds, whereas Saanen dairy goats were at significantly less risk. In summary, as the first epidemiological study of orf in China, our investigation suggested that orf is a neglected disease that requires more attention in the future.?????
Keywords:Orf ; Prevalence; Risk factors; Goats; China

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