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Development of Forced Tree Peony and Comparative Study of Pre-chilling Effect on Chinese and Japanese Cultivars
Cheng Fangyun 1 #,Noriaki Aoki 2,Liu Zhengan 3
1.Beijing Forestry University architecture and lanscape college
2.;Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University Matsue
3.Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University Matsue
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:11 November 2003
Accepted by: none
Citation: Cheng Fangyun,Noriaki Aoki,Liu Zhengan.Development of Forced Tree Peony and Comparative Study of Pre-chilling Effect on Chinese and Japanese Cultivars[OL]. [11 November 2003] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/57
orphological development of forced tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa ) was observed in 17 Chinese and 3 Japanese cultivars (cvs.) and the effect of pre-chilling on the growth and development was studied comparatively between Chinese and Japanese cv. groups. The development from bud swelling to flowering was composed of 8 stages. The growth of leaf, stem and flower bud mainly occurred at stages IV-VII, of which the stage VI was longest and grew most. The stage III, IV and V were very complicated in morphology by cvs., but could be identified easily by the leaf development. The pre-chilling promoted the growth and advanced the flowering, but the stage for it to work was different from Chinese to Japanese cvs., which indicated the existence of different growth mechanisms. The pre-chilling affected Chinese cvs. at the early stages but Japanese ones at the later stages. Chinese cvs. grew more rapidly and were simply with temperature requirement for sprouting and flowering, but the
Keywords:Chinese cvs.;development; forcing, Japanese cvs;, pre- chilling;tree peony

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