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A sensitive PEC immunoassay based silicon phthalocyanine-decorated TiO2 mesocrystal
Zheng Hongli 1,Wang Huixia 2,LI Yilin 3,Chen Sihong 4,Dai Hong 5 *
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Enginerring, Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou350108
2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou350108
3.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Fujian Nornal University, Fuzhou 350108
4.College of Chemistry and Chemical engineering,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou350108
5.College of Chemistry and Chemical Enginerring, Fujian Normal University , Fuzhou350108
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: NSFC (No.No.21205016,21575024), Education Department of Fujian Province (No.JA14071,JB14036,JA13068), Foundation of Fuzhou Science and Technology Bureau (No.2015-S-160,2015-G-72), National Science Foundation of Fujian Province(No.2016J06003,2016J05026)
Opened online: 7 November 2016
Accepted by: none
Citation: Zheng Hongli,Wang Huixia,LI Yilin.A sensitive PEC immunoassay based silicon phthalocyanine-decorated TiO2 mesocrystal[OL]. [ 7 November 2016] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4706749
Herein, a new photoelectrochemical sensor for a?atoxin B1 (AFB1) detection was established based on the all-carbon nanohybrids as transducer scaffold accompanied with quasi-octahedral TiO2 mesocrystal (QOTM) absorbed dentritic Si phthalocyanines (SiPcs) as the efficient bioprobe. Specifically, The dentritic SiPcs sensitized QOTM presented better photocurrent response and stability in comparison with QOTM alone due to impressive light-harvesting capability of the dentritic SiPcs. The all-carbon nanocomposites exhibited fine photoelectric properties due to the photo-generated electrons of carbon quantum dots , which evidently expedited the electron transport, and the nanohybrids were first employed as affinity support to anchor AFB1 antibody.Under light irradiation, the photo-induced electrons of SiPcs migrated to the QOTM, and successively transferred to carbon quantum dots as electron relay mediator then via carbon nanohorns to the electrode surface . In this competitive immunosensor, the AFB1 standards compete with the labeled AFB1, leading to photocurrent decreased with the increasing target concentration in a wide linear range of 10-6-102 ng/mL. The newly developed methodology provided a versatile approach for ultrasensitive detection of small molecules.
Keywords:TiO2 mesocrystal; Si phthalocyanines; A?atoxin B1

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