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Privacy Preserving on Recommender System by Leveraging Attribute-Based Encryption Technique
LI Ye 1,ZHANG Hua 2 *
1.State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China;State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
*Correspondence author
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Funding: NSFC(No.Grant Nos. 61502044), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.No. 2015RC23)
Opened online: 6 December 2017
Accepted by: none
Citation: LI Ye,ZHANG Hua.Privacy Preserving on Recommender System by Leveraging Attribute-Based Encryption Technique[OL]. [ 6 December 2017] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4742030
Recommender Systems aim to predict the rating or preference of a user given to an item and provide suggestions of further resources that are likely to be of interest. However, a lot of information about users need to be acquired for better recommendation result. Those information will leak users\' own privacy, which lead to lose the users\' trust of recommender systems. In recent years, more and more study focused on the various kinds of privacy protection techniques. Our paper proposes a novel method of the privacy preserving on recommender system for the first time. Employ Attribute-Based Encryption technique to protect users\' privacy. Based on the scheme, our paper builds up a recommender system that allows users\' information collection can be controlled by themselves, and those information will be encrypted before sending to the recommendation server so that user\'s privacy can be safeguarded from attacker\'s tracing even if the communication channel is not secure.. Besides, our paper adjusts ABE algorithms to make this technique suitable and efficient for recommender systems. Furthermore, our paper presents the security analysis for our scheme.
Keywords: network security; recommender systems; privacy preserving; attribute-based encryption technique

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