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Traffic Operation Analysis of An Entrance Accessing the Urban Road with A Signalized Intersection
Chhorn Chansocheat,Zhao Peng,Wang Dongwei *,Sun Gangzhu
School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001
*Correspondence author
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Funding: Foundation for University Young Key Teacher by Henan Province (No.No. 2018GGJS004)
Opened online:27 May 2020
Accepted by: none
Citation: Chhorn Chansocheat,Zhao Peng,Wang Dongwei.Traffic Operation Analysis of An Entrance Accessing the Urban Road with A Signalized Intersection[OL]. [27 May 2020] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4752131
Access between vehicle entrances and urban roads is one of the most important factors considered to ensure the safety and efficiency of the road operation.The entrance is usually located away from intersections to reduce the interference on urban roads. However, in practice, there are still some entrances that are set close the intersection. Therefore, this study conducted the traffic operational analysis of a controlled entrance accessing the urban road with a signalized intersection. A field investigation of the eastern entrance of Zhengzhou University was conducted. Video cameras were used to obtain traffic operation data. Poisson probability distribution was then utilized to describe the vehicles\' arriving process at the entrance using the Chi-square test. M/M/1 queuing model was utilized to analyze the queue length and waiting time of vehicles before the entrance barrier. Impacts of factors including the traffic light timing and phasing, barrier serving time, the distance between the entrance and the intersection on the traffic operation were analyzed.
Keywords:controlled access; urban road; traffic impact; improvement measures

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