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Multi-proposal Collaboration and Multi-task Training for Weakly-supervised Video Moment Retrieval
ZHANG Bolin 1,YANG Chao 1 *,JIANG Bin 1,KOMAMIZU Takahiro 2,IDE Ichiro 3
1.College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Changsha 410082
2.Mathematical and Data Science Center, Nagoya 464-8601
3.Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya 464-8601
*Correspondence author
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Funding: China Scholarship Council (No.202206130025), Postgraduate Scientific Research Innovation Project of Hunan Province (No.QL20220096)
Opened online: 8 April 2024
Accepted by: none
Citation: ZHANG Bolin,YANG Chao,JIANG Bin.Multi-proposal Collaboration and Multi-task Training for Weakly-supervised Video Moment Retrieval[OL]. [ 8 April 2024] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4763143
This study focuses on weakly-supervised Video Moment Retrieval (VMR), aiming to identify a moment semantically similar to the given query within an untrimmed video using only video-level correspondences, without relying on temporal annotations during training. Previous methods either aggregate predictions for all instances in the video, or indirectly address the task by proposing reconstructions for the query. However, these methods often produce low-quality temporal proposals, struggle with distinguishing misaligned moments in the same video, or lack stability due to a reliance on a single auxiliary task.To address these limitations, we present a novel weakly-supervised method called Multi-proposal Collaboration and Multi-task Training (MCMT). Initially, we generate multiple proposals and derive corresponding learnable Gaussian masks from them. These masks are then combined to create a high-quality positive sample mask, highlighting video clips most relevant to the query. Concurrently, we classify other clips in the same video as easy negative sample and the entire video as hard negative sample. During training, we introduce forward and inverse masked query reconstruction tasks to impose more substantial constraints on the network, promoting more robust and stable retrieval performance. Extensive experiments on two standard benchmarks affirm the effectiveness of the proposed method in VMR.
Keywords:Video moment retrieval, multi-proposal collaboration, multi-task training

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