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Functional characterization of a Root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)
Chen Rugang #,Zhang Liying,Zhang Junhong,Zhang Wei,Wang Xue,Ouyang Bo,Li Hanxia,Ye Zhibiao
Huazhong Agricultural University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: none
Opened online:29 March 2006
Accepted by: none
Citation: Chen Rugang,Zhang Liying,Zhang Junhong.Functional characterization of a Root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)[OL]. [29 March 2006] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/5980
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) cause major economic damage of numerous crop species around the world. Plant resistance is the most important attribute that is able to suppress invasion by the root-knot nematodes. In present study, a candidate root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi was isolated from the resistant tomato line RN-1. Expression profiling analysis revealed that this gene expressed specifically in roots, stems and leaves, but not in flowers or fruits. To verify the real function of this candidate gene, both the sense and RNAi vectors were constructed. We obtained thirty-one transgenic plants with 1 to 7 copies of T-DNA inserts of sense Mi from two nematode susceptible tomato cultivars as assayed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. RT-PCR analysis revealed that expression levels of Mi gene were varied in different transgenic plants. Nematode assays showed that the resistance to root-knot nematodes was significantly improved in some transgenic lines compared to untransformed susceptible control, and the resistance was inheritable in their selfed progenies. Loss of function via RNAi further confirmed the role of the Mi gene, and the original resistant lines became susceptible to root-knot nematodes.
Keywords:Mi gene; root-knot nematode; tomato; over-expression, RNAi

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