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Studies of the g factor for Cr4+ ion in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal from crystal-field and charge-transfer mechanisms
Wu Xiao-Xuan #,Zheng Wen-Chen #,Tang Sheng #
Sichuan University
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金(No.20010610008)
Opened online: 3 May 2004
Accepted by: none
Citation: Wu Xiao-Xuan,Zheng Wen-Chen,Tang Sheng.Studies of the g factor for Cr4+ ion in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal from crystal-field and charge-transfer mechanisms[OL]. [ 3 May 2004] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/646
The complete third-order perturbation formulas of g factors g// and g^ for 3d2 ions in tetragonal MX4 clusters have been established from a cluster approach. In these formulas, in addition to the contributions to g factors from the crystal-field mechanism in the crystal-field theory, the contributions from the charge-transfer mechanism are included. From these formulas, the g factors g// and g^ for Cr4+ ion in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal are calculated. The results are in agreement with the observed values. The calculated Dgi (i=// or ^) due to the charge-transfer mechanism is opposite in sign and about 20% in magnitude, compared with that due to the crystal-field mechanism. So, for the 3dn ions having high valence state in crystals, the reasonable explanations of g factors should take both the crystal-field and charge-transfer mechanisms into account.
Keywords:Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Crystal- and Ligand- field Theory, Charge-Transfer mechanism, Cr4+, Bi4Ge3O12.

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