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Expression profile analysis of human hemopoietic tissues
Chen Tinggui 1 * #,Wang Feifei 2,Jiao Yong 3
1.key laboratory of chemical biology of molecular engineering of ministry of education, Shanxi University
2.College of life sciences, Northeast Agricultural University
3.key laboratory of chemical biology of molecular engineering of ministry of education, Shanxi University,
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 山西大学引进人才启动基金,教育部博士点新教师基金,国家自然科学基金,国家自然科学基金(No.2005,200801081033,C03050205,20971081)
Opened online:30 March 2010
Accepted by: none
Citation: Chen Tinggui,Wang Feifei,Jiao Yong.Expression profile analysis of human hemopoietic tissues[OL]. [30 March 2010] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/41346
Human have different hemopoietic organs at different times, such as fetal liver, thymus, lymph node and bone marrow, etc. In this study, we analyzed their expression profilings by GO and hierarchical cluster to understand their developmental mechanisms and mutual relations. Results: (1) GO classification showed that they are divided into 1045 categories. (2) The expression activities are: fetal liver > bone marrow > thymus > lymph node. (3) The specific genes of fetal liver, thymus, bone marrow and lymph node are 953, 175, 102 and 52, most of these genes have more relations with their respective physiological functions. (4) Hierarchical clustering analysis illustrated the relations among thymus, lymph node and bone marrow are closer than them with fetal liver. Discusses: GO classification still needs to develop newer methods to improve applicability, and hemopoietic cell are apt to transfer to lymphoid organs, or lymphoid organs and hemopoietic organs essentially come from same ancestor.
Keywords:bioinformatics;human hemopoietic tissues;expression profile;gene ontology;hierarchical cluster

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