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New Composite Pavement System on Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck
Li Xuelian *,Zhou Zhigang
Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering (Changsha University of Science & Technology)
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 教育部博士点基金(No.20060536002)
Opened online:25 May 2010
Accepted by: none
Citation: Li Xuelian,Zhou Zhigang.New Composite Pavement System on Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck[OL]. [25 May 2010] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4373008
Orthotropic steel bridge decks are widely used for large and medium span bridge, but early-age failure in the traditional asphalt concrete surface has been generally experienced on trafficked routes, which is a complicated yet still not well solved technical problem. So a demand exists to find a durable overlay system to increase the safety of orthotropic steel bridge decks. In this paper, four kind of design index are put forward, according to the main distress of the pavement. Then the mechanical behavior of wearing surface on orthotropic steel bridge deck with rib stiffener, longitudinal clapboard and diaphragm was analyzed by Finite Element Method (FEM), it shows that the higher elastic modulus of the intermediate layer and/or the thicker wearing surface, the less stress in the critical fatigue parts of the surfacing and the more favorable to the whole wearing surface. A new composite wearing surface system was present, with cement-based intermediate layer, shear stud connector, and SMA13 surface. And a number of small-scale tests have been performed to investigate the performance of the new composite overlay bonded to a steel plate, such as the thermal compatibility, rutting test under high temperature, and fatigue durability of the new composite wearing surface system, comparing with the traditional double-layer asphalt concrete surfacing. It turns out that the performance of the new composite system is better than the traditional one.
Keywords:road engineer;bridge deck composite pavement; FEM; orthotropic steel bridge; design index

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