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Periodontal healing by periodontal ligament cell sheets in a teeth replantation model
Zhou Yefang * #
School of Bioscience and biotechnology, central south University, Changsha 410028
*Correspondence author
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Funding: 新教师基金(No.200805331128)
Opened online:24 February 2012
Accepted by: none
Citation: Zhou Yefang.Periodontal healing by periodontal ligament cell sheets in a teeth replantation model[OL]. [24 February 2012] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4466549
Objective: Successful transplantation of avulsed teeth is to restore the attachment and regenerate the periodontal support. Different strategies have been applied in treatment from modification of teeth storage, antibiotic usage to peridontium tissue replacement. We developed a novel periodontal ligament cell-sheet delivery system to apply on delayed replanted teeth in promoting periodontal healing in a canine model. Design: Autologous periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts were isolated from extracted premolars of beagle dog. The cell-sheets were fabricated using normal culture dish after stimulation of extracellular matrix formation. Teeth were surgically extracted and attached soft tissues were removed. After root canal treatment, the root of teeth were wrapped by the PDL cell-sheets and replanted back to prior socket accordingly while teeth without cell sheets as a control. Eight weeks after surgery, the animals were sacrificed and decalcified specimens were prepared. Regeneration of periodontal tissue was evaluated through histology assay. Results: Multi-layered PDL cell-sheet could be attached on tooth root and most cells on sheet-tooth constructs were viable before replantation. Minimum clinical signs of inflammation were observed in experiment. PDL cell-sheets group show significant higher occurrence of favorable healing (88.4%) than control group with low healing (5.3%). Periodontal ligament and cememtum tissue regeneration was observed in the experimental group, and the regenerated tissues showed high collagen type III, type I and fibronectin expression. Conclusion: The periodontal ligament cell-sheets fabricated through normal cell culture dish has a potential for regeneration of periodontal ligament and may become a novel therapy for avulsed teeth replantation.
Keywords:cell sheets; periodontal ligament; transplantation; tissue engineering

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