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Nanomaterials in Bone Regeneration
TIAN Taoran,CAI Xiaoxiao * #
State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University
*Correspondence author
#Submitted by
Funding: Doctoral Found of Ministry of Education of China (No.20110181120071)
Opened online:11 December 2015
Accepted by: none
Citation: TIAN Taoran,CAI Xiaoxiao.Nanomaterials in Bone Regeneration[OL]. [11 December 2015] http://en.paper.edu.cn/en_releasepaper/content/4669279
Regenerative medicine is gathering more and more interests as it circumvents limitations and imperfections of traditional graft therapies such as autograft and xenograft. As for the part and parcel of regenerative medicine, the prosperous development in material science boost reciprocal approaches in bone regeneration. Nowadays, the refinement of materials leads our sights into a scale of nano. Nanomaterials, owing to their unique biomimic properties and unsurpassed surface merits, brought profound innovations to various fields, including bone tissue engineering. Studies have been designed to reveal interactions between bone tissues and nanomaterials, and thereby explore the potential applications in the same front. In this review, we summarized recent literatures, coming up with the basic characteristics of nanomaterials and their superiorities to traditional materials, and following with their unique features and applications in the process of bone regeneration. By the comparison and analyzing, we hope to purpose a comprehensive understanding over nanomaterials applied in bone regeneration.
Keywords:nanomaterials; bone regenearation; tissue engineer

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